Friday, June 26, 2009

The Coveted Gold Hydrant Award (A Thinly Veiled Kidnapping Plot)

Today I was awarded the coveted Gold Hydrant Award from Life With Dogs

This is a great honor for me and my mailbox overflowth!

But there is a disturbing plot that has been uncovered by this award. Life With Dogs is planning to KIDNAP ME!

Could this be true?

I might need to hire a bodyguard. Maybe I'll ask Mango. This is clearly a job for a relentlessly huge dog.


  1. Life with dogs sent us.... and not to kidnap you! I can see why they would want you though.... so cute!!!! Congrats on your award!!

    I too am a rescue and considered "special needs" whatever that means... I'm just deaf. I like being deaf, it gives me an excuse to pretend I'm not paying attention simply because I can't hear.... my family is so easily tricked!

    xo sugar

  2. We are furry impreesed with your GOLDEN touch!

    Please go out and sniff fur Laska!

    Khongrats on your pawesome achievement!


  3. We fairly sure you can outsmart the LWD's crew.

  4. I'll be your doggy guard... BOL.. NOT, I dont even know what I'm supposed to do most the time but run and jump and jump...

    good job on the award
    high five

  5. Who at the Life With Dogs are you most worried about? Sola d'Sofa? Truffles d'Mattress? (aka Fudgepants d'Mattress). Puleeeze, Hoover, fear not from these guys. They couldn't even deal with Mr. Stick.

    Congrats on your award though! Have a good weekend.


  6. Congrats on your most coveted Gold Hydrant award! You're quite the handsome one, aren't you? :)

    Trixie, Tori and Ringo all say WOOF!!

  7. I'm sure Mango could handle the task. Don't worry Hoover, we won't really try to steal you! :)
