Hey all you bloggie Doggies. My human has been "busy" Whatever. I guess if you are too busy then things happen.
I think you all know of my sister Kirby
Well Kirby made some "biscuits" and they were nice and warm right from the oven and steamin in the snow. So like any normal doggie. I ate them.
Then I was in the house, you know, warmin up the tootsies, and I burped. And I burped some more and the human was all freaked out and was all like "Your burps smell like poo!"
No! Hello! My burps smell like Pig Buscuits. And anyway, Get Over IT! I don't see ya comin to brush my teeth now! HeHeHeHe.
Now it has been really cold and my human found the time to video these giant snow flakes which make the human happy.