What kind of human goes off and cheats on the most special dog in the world? And then send pictures of the affair? I'm barkless.
Here is homewrecker #1. His name is Beau and I don't care how freakin cute anyone thinks he is!

Oh and now here is homewrecker #2. This is Dion. And Just look THEY went for a CAR RIDE! Like that isn't my most favorite thing in the world. Do you think I've been for a car ride lately? NO! But you just go off and drive around with other dogs.

Oh, here, just in case you didn't think this one was cute enough in the other picture. Now you can see his amazing blue eyes. Like I care about his lousy eyes.

And here I sit among the leaves. All alone. Sad and dejected. I don't even care if the human ever comes back from Ohio.

Oh not that it makes any difference that those dogs are my cousins and they were both homeless. Cheating is cheating and if you smell like another dog you are a cheater.