Hey all you bloggie doggies. We gots a really great first snow of the season here. But before I tell you all about the snow I need to clear something up.
I have never been banned from MY house. I was banned from the BIG house (also know as Gryff's house) for doin potties on the rug.
Now if Gryff was a stand up kind of guy he would admit that he had peed on the rug first, maybe many moons before I did, and that is why I felt compelled to pee there too.
MY house is MY house and I totally rule the roost so to speak.
I gets on all the furniture and I let the humans sleep in MY very large and high off the ground bed.
So, I just wanted to make sure you all understand the situation.
NOW about the SNOW!
It started to snow yesterday morning. There was a brief period where is was sleety rain, then it turned into huge flakes and it snowed for the rest of the day and into the night.
Here is the snow yesterday evening on our walkie to the barn.

Look how I blend in here.

and here.

Things smell different covered in snow.

Now I love the snow but my sister, Kirby, she no likey likey. The human had to bribe her with celery (yuck) to go potty.